
Welcome to my collection of knitting projects. I hope you enjoy looking at my photos - please feel free to send me any comments, suggestions or questions that you might have.

Monday, 1 March 2010

Another cosy

I created this cosy for my Gran. It was really quick to make and I sewed some different colour beads on it and added a ribbon around the bottom. Personally I don't think it's my best effort. I may just need to make her another!

Green Goddess

This is a Green Goddess cosy that I made for my aunt. She claims to be doing the "Good life" in her garden, so thought this was rather appropriate.

It's supposed to be a green hill, with a stone wall around the bottom. I found some fantastic animal and flower buttons to sew on it.

More tea vicar!

This year seems to have flown by and I haven't had chance to add the photos of the Christmas presents my family were blessed with!

This is a reversible tea cosy I made for my sister. She wanted one that left a hole at the top for the lid, so I found this pattern. My sister likes lots of colour so I decided it was perfect for her.