
Welcome to my collection of knitting projects. I hope you enjoy looking at my photos - please feel free to send me any comments, suggestions or questions that you might have.

Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Baby Knits

I'm going to be an auntie in approximately 4 weeks! My sister-in-law is having a baby, which gives me a great excuse to get my needles out. Unfortunately she doesn't know if its a girl or a boy so I'm having to stick to knitting in white for the moment. So far I've done a wee hat and matching bootees. It's not the most exciting baby hat I've ever knitted, but it's quite cute and I'm sure I'll be doing plenty more.

I'm also in the progress of knitting a penguin for the bump......I seem to have lost my creativity recently as the penguin is still sitting in bits waiting to be sewn together. We did have a scare the other weekend that the baby was coming early, but it was a false alarm. The only thing I could think was "I haven't finished the penguin!"

My husband and I are going to be godparents at the end of June as our usher and his wife are also having a baby. They have requested that I knit an hippo for their little one. I'm just not sure what colour to choose........

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Spring Projects

When my youngest sister saw the monkey (see Christmas Projects Post) she requested that I knit her an elephant, so once New Year was out of the way I immediately got needles out and set to work. It was her 21st birthday at the beginning of March, so I thought this would be an ideal birthday present. Yet again I had a few problems with the pattern and only just finished the elephant with about an hour to spare! I named him Bellamy, but my sister has since renamed him to Prince Bellamy Brandysnap, which I think suits him.....

Christmas Projects

Even though I've just started this blog I'd like to include some photos of my recent projects. Yet again some of my family received knitted items for Christmas 2007, while I think they were rather relieved that I have now graduated from scarves I'm not entirely sure what my sister thought about her gift. I found a pattern for a muff (does anyone still wear these?) that resembles a snow-covered log complete with holly and a robin. It was great fun to do, especially once I'd figured out how to make the holly leaves and I managed to complete it just in time - Christmas Eve!

For Chritmas I also knitted a monkey! My gran collects them and we always buy her new ones, but this time I thought I'd try and make one. His name is Martin and my gran was so pleased that it was worth the effort (I had to do one of his legs 6 times and had huge problems trying to work out the waistcoat).